本課程的目的在教導學生公司理財基本的理論、金融環境、及公司理財實務。本課程可以做為財務管理領域之核心課程,為進階課程之基礎;亦可做為各國企業財務管理實務之依據,供企業決策者及分析者使用。除基礎的風險報酬、價值衡量等基本模型外,本課程亦涵蓋企業長期策略性資本結構、長短期融資、投資及股利發放之決策方法,以及日常現金、應收帳款、存貨之管理技巧。 This is an introductory course in corporate finance. The main objective of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge to the financial management of a business enterprise. The course provides a fundamental understanding of the allocation of funds and the raising of funds. Students are introduced to the concepts of financial management, valuation, risk analysis, corporate investment decisions, and basic security analysis and investment management. 本授課大綱為暫訂規劃,授課進度、內容、成績比率等,將依授課實際狀況隨時進行修正。