本科目為會計學(二)之延伸,主要在探討有關企業合併之相關會計問題,講授內容包括: The course, Accounting(三)[Advanced Accounting], is the extension of Accounting(二) [Intermediate Accounting] and mainly discusses about the prevailing accounting standards related to business combination and preparation of consolidated financial statements. The topics covered in the course include: (一) 企業合併之基本概念 (Business Combinations); (二) 股權投資之會計處理方法 (Stock Investments-Investor Accounting and Reporting); (三) 母子公司合併財務報表之編製目的及方法 (An Introduction of Consolidated Financial Statements and its Consolidation Techniques and Procedures) (四) 母子公司內部交易之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Intra-group Profit Transactions); (五) 股權變動之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Changes in Ownership Interests); (六) 間接持股及相互持股之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Indirect and Mutual Holdings); (七) 子公司發行特別股之及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Subsidiary Preferred Stock); (八) 合併每股盈餘之計算 (Consolidated Earnings Per Share); (九) 合併個體所得稅之會計處理 (Consolidated Income Taxation); (十) 合併理論之探討 (Consolidation Theories); (十一) 總機構及分支機構之會計處理 (Accounting for Branches); (十二) 外幣交易及相關避險操作之會計處理 (Accounting for Foreign Transactions, Derivatives and Hedging Activities); (十三) 匯率變動對財務報表之影響 (The Effect of Changes of Foreign Exchange Rates on Financial Statements)。
本科目為會計學(二)之延伸,主要在探討有關企業合併之相關會計問題,講授內容包括: The course, Accounting(三)[Advanced Accounting], is the extension of Accounting(二) [Intermediate Accounting] and mainly discusses about the prevailing accounting standards related to business combination and preparation of consolidated financial statements. The topics covered in the course include: (一) 企業合併之基本概念 (Business Combinations); (二) 股權投資之會計處理方法 (Stock Investments-Investor Accounting and Reporting); (三) 母子公司合併財務報表之編製目的及方法 (An Introduction of Consolidated Financial Statements and its Consolidation Techniques and Procedures) (四) 母子公司內部交易之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Intra-group Profit Transactions); (五) 股權變動之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Changes in Ownership Interests); (六) 間接持股及相互持股之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Indirect and Mutual Holdings); (七) 子公司發行特別股之及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Subsidiary Preferred Stock); (八) 合併每股盈餘之計算 (Consolidated Earnings Per Share); (九) 合併個體所得稅之會計處理 (Consolidated Income Taxation); (十) 合併理論之探討 (Consolidation Theories); (十一) 總機構及分支機構之會計處理 (Accounting for Branches); (十二) 外幣交易及相關避險操作之會計處理 (Accounting for Foreign Transactions, Derivatives and Hedging Activities); (十三) 匯率變動對財務報表之影響 (The Effect of Changes of Foreign Exchange Rates on Financial Statements)。