Statistics is a way of getting information from data. This two-semester introductory course is designed to explain the basic concepts of why, when, what, and how the statistic procedures should be conducted. Topics covering the probability theory and inferential aspects of statistics will include: exploratory data analysis, basic probability theories, discrete and continuous probability distributions, mathematical expectation, moment generating function, law of large number, central limit theorem, and sampling distribution. The firm grasp of statistical methods and manipulation of concepts are important skills to have, especially in the business world.
首先介紹顧客導向的行銷基本觀念,以及行銷觀念的演進,其次介紹行銷策略規劃的涵義和步驟,行銷環境、消費者行為、市場區隔和行銷研究的步驟,最後介紹行銷的策略,包括產品策略,訂價策略,促銷策略和行銷通路策略等,探討行銷管理相關理論,並研討經典與最新有關行銷管理的文獻。The course is designed to help the students learn the basic concepts of modern marketing in a management-orientation way. The most basic objectives of this course are to provide you with a broad introduction to marketing concepts, the role of marketing in society and in the firm, and the various factors that influence marketing decision-making. You will be expected to familiarize with the ‘language of marketing’ (i.e., terms, concepts, and frameworks) used by practicing marketing managers, and have a solid understanding of the major decision area under marketing responsibility. It focuses on major decisions that marketing managers may face in their efforts to harmonize the objectives and resources of the organization with the needs and opportunities in the marketplace. Within time limits, this class attempts to cover all the topics that a marketing manager needs to face in strategic, tactical, and administrative marketing. The objective of this courses are 1.To familiarize the students with the marketing concepts and techniques, and to develop skills in using a variety of analytical frameworks to implement such techniques. 2.To develop the skills in organizing an effective marketing management strategy in a real business world. By the end of the course, you should be able to apply the key frameworks and tools for analyzing customers, competition, and marketing strength and weakness. The class materials should also help you to develop insights about creative selection of target markets and blending the marketing mix decisions to maintain competitive positions and serve customer needs.