This course is mainly based on the theory and knowledge of psychology, sociology, and counselling. It combines life experience and informal observations to explore the psychological health problems of modern people, in order to stimulate students' self-awareness and observation. Learn about daily life or related work areas. According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is not just "no mental illness", but "an individual can clearly understand his potential, can respond to the pressures of daily life, can live wonderfully and richly, and contribute to society Contribute "status. Psychology is a science that studies individual behavior. This course will introduce the connotation, important theories and applications of mental health in an easy-to-understand manner.
以課本編排的主題用深入淺出的方式讓第一次接觸商業英文的同學輕鬆的學習職場英文並以情境的方式讓同學將學習到的商業英文實際應用到生活中。 Midterm Exam Coverage: Unit 8, Unit 9, Unit 11 Final Exam Coverage: Unit 12, Unit 14, Unit 15