本科目為會計學(二)之延伸,主要在探討有關企業合併之相關會計問題,講授內容包括: The course, Accounting(三)[Advanced Accounting], is the extension of Accounting(二) [Intermediate Accounting] and mainly discusses about the prevailing accounting standards related to business combination and preparation of consolidated financial statements. The topics covered in the course include: (一) 企業合併之基本概念 (Business Combinations); (二) 股權投資之會計處理方法 (Stock Investments-Investor Accounting and Reporting); (三) 母子公司合併財務報表之編製目的及方法 (An Introduction of Consolidated Financial Statements and its Consolidation Techniques and Procedures) (四) 母子公司內部交易之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Intra-group Profit Transactions); (五) 股權變動之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Changes in Ownership Interests); (六) 間接持股及相互持股之會計處理及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Indirect and Mutual Holdings); (七) 子公司發行特別股之及財表合併程序 (Consolidation-Subsidiary Preferred Stock); (八) 合併每股盈餘之計算 (Consolidated Earnings Per Share); (九) 合併個體所得稅之會計處理 (Consolidated Income Taxation); (十) 合併理論之探討 (Consolidation Theories); (十一) 總機構及分支機構之會計處理 (Accounting for Branches); (十二) 外幣交易及相關避險操作之會計處理 (Accounting for Foreign Transactions, Derivatives and Hedging Activities); (十三) 匯率變動對財務報表之影響 (The Effect of Changes of Foreign Exchange Rates on Financial Statements)。
科目名稱 Course Title: (中文)基礎金融商品訂價全英語授課 (英文)INTRODUCTION TO QUANTITATIVE FINANCE
開課學期 Semester:110學年度第2學期 開課班級 Class:經三A
授課教師 Instructor:米克里斯多 MICHALOPOULOS, CHRISTOS
科目代碼 Course Code:BEC35001
單全學期 Semester/Year:全
分組組別 Section:全英語授課
人數限制 Class Size:70
必選修別 Required/Elective:選
學分數 Credit(s):2
星期節次 Day/Session: 四56
前次異動時間 Time Last Edited:111年01月08日19時17分
We continue with calculating the expectation (mean) of random variables and the law of large numbers together with the central limit theorem. We move on to the Binomial model for option pricing (discrete model), then explain the mathematics needed for pricing options in continuous time, which is called Stochastic Calculus and also discuss American options. We finish with the Black-Scholes formula for options derivation. If time permits, we discuss some exotic option pricing.