1.本課程不但要告訴大家如何做採購,更重要的是怎樣把採購的工作做好。 大家都知道,任何一件事要做好就需要管理。當然,學者專家對管理的解釋或定義很多,本課程是從OST--目標(Objective)、策略(Strategy)、方法(Tactics)三個層面來說明管理功能在採購活動之運用。 2.採購乃是企業活動中最重要的功能之一,尤其是採購支出約佔營業收入的50-90%以上(製造業),因此,現在企業的競爭,正逐漸由技術的領先,市場的壟斷,轉向以採購來降低成本,提高利潤.本課程將教導大家如何使採購在產銷作業中發揮綜合效力,藉以提昇企業績效並規避風險. 3.一個人的一生,可能從來沒有賣過任何一件東西,但一個人一生不可能沒有買過一件東西;可見採購行為在日常生活中有著密切的關係. 4.本課程所講授的5'R---Right vendor. Right quality, Right time, Right quantity, Right price,在個人的消費行為(買家電、、汽車等),亦能學以致用,發揮良好的談判成效.
Epistemology is the theory of knowledge. It has been occupying a very central position in philosophy since the ancient philosophy, and has even been regarded as the “first philosophy”since R. Descartes in the modern philosophy. In the contemporary development, Epistemology has a new face and a new focus. The theory of justification starts to rise in this subject and overwhelmingly dominates the main stage in the discussions of the subject. So, the nature of knowledge and the nature of justification naturally stand out as two main issues to which almost all philosophers interested in epistemology must pay attention. In this course, we will spend most of our time in pursuing the answers to the questions regarding “what is knowledge?” and “what is justification?”, and will also cover many related important problems and puzzles associating with the two main questions. In order to approach the central concerns in the issues, we will follow step by step the problems raised in the required textbook, Pritchard's Knowledge. Those problems will include: (1) What can we know? This is an introductory question, and with this question we will be familiar with some important and basic concepts and terminology involved in epistemology. (2) Can we really know? This is a skeptical question, and following this question we will learn some skeptical tradition as well as modern skepticism. (3) How can we know the external world? This is a traditional question and the most important question in modern philosophy. We will discuss how the modern philosophers dealt with the concept of “perception” and shed light on the question. (4) What is knowledge? We will start with the traditional analysis and introduce the Gettier problem. (5) What is Justification? We will go through the contemporary discussions with respect to the issue of justification and the foundationalism/coherentism and internalism/externalism debates.