本課程之目的在使修習者學習會計學之後,能瞭解財務報表資訊的意義,對會計學有基本認識,具備運用會計準則及編製報表之能力,並能解析企業財務決策之問題。本課程為一學年之課程,教學內容包括:基本會計學原理與原則之介紹與認識、基本會計報表之編製與簡單財務資訊之分析等。本課程係商學教育之入門課程,為同學日後深造、就業皆不可缺之基礎知識與能力。 此外,本教學目標已參考英國皇家特許管理會計師公會CIMA Syllabus F1 (財務報告及稅務)部分架構,並符合要求之教學內容,以達成指定的學習成效。透過本課程學習,另可協助同學準備英國皇家特許管理會計師F1測驗(建議另修中、高級會計學),以利學生取得英國皇家特許管理會計師資格。
Statistics is a way of getting information from data. This two-semester introductory course is designed to explain the basic concepts of why, when, what, and how the statistic procedures should be conducted. Topics covering the probability theory and inferential aspects of statistics will include: exploratory data analysis, basic probability theories, discrete and continuous probability distributions, mathematical expectation, moment generating function, law of large number, central limit theorem, and sampling distribution. The firm grasp of statistical methods and manipulation of concepts are important skills to have, especially in the business world.
1 能讓同學對日本法學文化有簡單的概念:understanding of Japanese law culture:日本の法律文化に関する理解を深める 2 如已有日文基礎的同學,即能進一步學習到日文法學文章翻譯技巧:of Japanese legal text translation:日本語の法律分の翻訳技術の取得 3 如無日文基礎,能學習到基礎日文能力:simple Japanese ability:簡単な日本語能力の取得